The Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test is a simple, non-invasive way that accurately measure how many calories you burn at rest.
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Testing
Would you like a 360-degree view of your metabolic, heart, and lung function? Leveraging PNOE’s cutting edge technology, we can help you to understand your body and its needs. The Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test is a simple, non-invasive way that accurately measure how many calories you burn at rest. During the test, our PNOE machine captures and analyzes the composition of your breath, determining your oxygen consumption, to measure the rate at which you consume energy. Everyone is different and we don’t recommend people rely on general calculations that do not understand anything about you and your needs. With these precise measurements, you can optimize nutritional and training plan to help you meet your weight loss, fitness conditioning, and/or muscle gain goals. This test does not take any effort. All you have to do is lay back and relax for 10 minutes and we will provide you with the game changing data that will help you going forward. A fasting and rest protocol must be observed the day before your test, so plan accordingly.
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